Monday, September 16, 2013

Birth Story :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So my mom was getting sick because of the AZ weather, so we went to Walmart to get her some medicine. I went in the store with her, and we walked around what felt like the entire the store! We got her medicine and she wanted to get some stuff to cook, which was on the other side of the store. So I sucked it up and actually walked, because you know, my husband and I really wanted baby to come out and I was already 3 cm. :) We check out and walk back to the store. On our way home I start feeling pains, normal pains that I've been feeling for awhile, like braxton hixs. BUT it started getting worst! We got to our apartment, and I couldn't barely walk to our apartment. I was seriously squeezing Lisiate's hand and almost in tears, and my mom didn't know I was in pain because she was already at the door. Once we got into our apartment, I went straight to bed and tried to relax. I couldn't though. I was in tears! I tried timing my contractions and it was a few minutes apart. I started calming down for a bit, then I just couldnt! Lisiate went to call my mom in the living room and they rushed to me in the room because I was crying so hard! My mom said that it was time, but ask Lisiate if he had any oil to give me a blessing. My wonderful husband gave me a blessing, then we were off to the hospital! 
 Once I got checked into Triage, the nurse checked how far a long I was, and I was 4cm! So we had to walk for 40 minutes to see if I would go to 5cm. So we did and I really wish I brought tennis shoes or something! haha. My feet was killing me. I was so tired and especially my husband. haha We would find a room with a t.v. and Lisiate would watch ESPN while I walked in circles. LOL. It was pretty funny, and he would cheer me on. He distracted me so much that I couldn't even feel the pain! I had a huge smile on my face because of him and just because I was way excited!
After walking for 40 minutes, we went back to triage to see if I dilated anymore, and NOPE I didnt! We were so bummed. Our nurse seemed like she wanted us to keep trying so she kept us there. Usually some nurses would tell us, that it's not time, to go home. She said to try it again, and walk and try the ball. So we did! We power walked for 30 minutes and 10 minutes on the exercise ball! haha! and it worked! I was 5 cm dilated! We were so excited and so happy because we didn't want to go home, our nurse was excited for us too! So she went and assigned us a room and it was now THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2013. We were there all night! I still had to walk for 40 minutes from time to time because I was 36 weeks and6 days and that's still consider too early to make baby come out, I had to be 37 weeks, which is consider full term! I really thought that was crazy because I was a day away from 37 weeks! So I kept trying! 

After a long morning of trying, still nothing. It was pretty depressing, because I wasn't allowed to eat! I was starving! I decided to take a break from walking, because I was seriously gonna pass out if I kept trying. I needed to sleep and rest because I knew I needed all my energy to push my daughter out! I wanted to give up, but my husband kept encouraging me to keep trying and that I could do it! So again every once in a while, I would walk and walk and walk. It was later in the day and they would check me over and over again and nothing, not progress at all. So I just decided to sleep for awhile and try again. After a long while I finally and barely hit 6cm. Took so many hours! It was getting late and I kept trying to speed things up by walking and it was seriously exhausting because I was so hungry! Few hours passed and nothing. The doctor said to wait it out till later that night and see what happens. And nothing happened. My nurse said that the doctor said that they may have to send me home, and I wanted to cry so bad! I didn't want to go home! All that work and trying so hard, they just couldn't! The nurse didn't want to send me home because she didn't want me catching an infection. So she went and spoke to the High Risk Doctor and he said that I he wanted me to stay! It was too risky to send me home! We were soooo happy! It has been the longest 24hrs of my life! It was awesome that I was able to share it with my husband, mom, sister in laws, and mother in law! They stood my my side the entire time!
So it was probably almost 9pm, and they finally decided to speed things up and try to increase my contractions. We said a family prayer and it was awesome! For a while it was ok after they sped things up, contractions weren't that bad. 2-3 hours later, it was painful! I tried so hard to hide the pain, because I don't like showing pain in front of people, so I sucked it up! But Lisiate and my mom could tell that I was in pain, and wanted to cry, because they know how much of a baby I am when it come to pain! lol. but I can't believe how I was able to pull through! I was to the point that I just couldn't take the pain, so they gave me some pain medication to put in my IV. It calmed things down for awhile. I was able to take a nap, and BAM it hit me! Once I was 8cm dilated the contractions got so much worst! Lisiate had that sincere and supportive look and stood by my side the entire time! Instead of crying, which I silently did for a while, I put it out on Lisiate. By squeezing his hand every time I had a contraction, and I seriously thought I was gonna break his hand off! haha. but he had a straight face like it didn't phase him, but I knew it did! haha. I get so emotional just thinking about how supportive my love was! The nurse came to check me again because I was so in pain! I was still 8 cm, and she said she would check me again in 30 minutes! I wanted to cry so bad because I wanted to push so bad! But I couldnt because I wasnt 10 cm yet! I kept yelling "I WANT TO PUSH! I CANT HOLD IT IN!" but they kept telling me that I couldnt and to hang in there!oh man it was painful! haha! Siate and my mom was right by my side and I kept yelling siate's name, so many times and he was right next to me! haha He was the only name I remembered and wanted to say because he was the one I could count on! " SIATE! SIATE! SIATE! SIATE!" and with a sincere response, "Yes, I'm right here, I'm right here!" I whined to him to please call the nurse! Because I wanted to push so bad! My mom said no, the nurse said 30 minutes, and it's only been 15 minutes. I yelled and said "NO! CALL THE NURSE!" so Siate said to "CALL THE NURSE!" and so they did! The nurse came rushing in, and checked me, and I was 10cm and said "OK YOU'RE READY!" I was so happy! The Dr. and all the nurses finally came in and started prepping everything! and by the way, I FELT ALL THE PAIN BECAUSE I DIDNT HAVE AN EPIDURAL! I'm truly proud of myself! hehe. And FINALLY it was time to push! I was sooooo relieved! Took my deep breathes and pushed! and relaxed and pushed! and guess what! I DIDNT SCREAM! It was the easiest part of labor! Was delivering my baby girl! EVERYONE in the room was so shocked! It was like I took the epidural because I didnt scream at all! haha Seriously, it was the easiest part EVER!!!! When it was getting even more serious, My mom, Lisiate, Tio and Leilani was by my side encouraging/cheering my on! They were screaming "Tina you're almost there!" "We can see her head, you can do it!" and with one more hard push, she was OUT! She came out so fast, they had to tell me to stop pushing because it was too fast! lol. Then she was out! My baby girl was out!!!! And all I said was "I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT! SIATE I DID IT!" :) They gave me my daughter and I just kept saying "I DID IT!" and kissed my baby girl! She was perfect! Took me 9 minutes to push my baby girl out! But it felt like forever! It was the most beautiful experience EVER!!!!!

Born: AUGUST 23, 2013
Time: 4:44 am
Length: 19 3/4 inches
Weight: 5 lb 15 oz